If you have red, swollen gums, receding gums or experience bleeding while brushing, you could be at risk for gum disease.  

What is a Periodontal Pocket? 

Periodontal pockets form along the gum line and are one of the major signs of gum disease. A healthy tooth will have gums that fit snug and are a light pink color with pockets no more than 3 millimeters in depth. If a tooth is suffering from gum disease, the gum begins to recede from the tooth and form a pocket. These periodontal pockets act as a place for more plaque and bacteria to collect, furthering the progression of the disease. If not treated, periodontal pockets can lead to further infection and could lead to tooth loss.  

Periodontal Pocket Treatment 

Treatment often begins with a periodontal cleaning which allows for thorough removal of infection and bacteria below the gum line. This keeps the disease from progressing.  


Periodontal Pocket Prevention 


Practicing optimal oral hygiene is the best way to prevent gum disease and periodontal pockets. Using a soft bristled brush to gently clean along the gum line twice a day and flossing once a day, along with keeping regular professional dental care will help to prevent this disease.  


Contact us today to schedule your next professional exam and cleaning. 


North Carolina Periodontist
Phone: (919) 844-7140
Fax: (919) 303-8488